Quick Thoughts About Counseling, Emotions and Our World

Below are some quick thoughts about counseling, emotions and our world. Check back to see new content as it is published.


Online Counseling &
Telemental Health 

Online Counseling and You
What does this mean for you? It means that you can be certain that the same principles that make traditional counseling effective are present in online counseling. Online counseling is regulated by the state and my counseling license is valid, and will be for years to come. You can know refer anyone that resides in the state of Ohio for counseling, regardless of their physical location. Online counseling allows you to go to counseling from the comforts, security and privacy of your own home at times when an office would normally be closed.


Change is Hard

Change is hard. It is even harder when you try to do it on your own. This is why counseling and coaching can be so helpful. Having someone walk through you in the midst of change gives you a better chance to persevere. Having someone who can give you hope in the midst of change is powerful. That is why I am here for you at Bridges of Hope; to give you hope and believe in you. Together we can walk this journey to a better and brighter tomorrow. Contact us today to schedule your first session.


Shame and Hope

Shame erases hope, everytime! Yet, shame is everywhere we look. Social media has given shame a greater place. Hope though breaks through shame and allows you to grow from the experience and breaks you free from the chains of shame. Call today to explore how you can break the chains of shame from your life.